漫威傳奇再起: 鳳凰女英雄包 Marvel Champions: Phoenix Hero Pack (34)

$ 149.00 $ 155.00
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No. of Player:1 - 4
Playing Time:45 - 90 mins 
Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)

最初加入X戰警的五人之一,擁有強大的心靈能力, 琴•葛雷獲得宇宙鳳凰之力。作為鳳凰的她使用念力和心靈感應去保護變種人和人類。

必須配合《漫威傳奇再起:卡牌遊戲》 核心包 進行遊玩。

One of the five original X-Men and a powerful psychic, Jean Grey was chosen as host for the cosmic Phoenix Force. As Phoenix, she uses her telepathy and telekinesis to protect mutants and humans alike, but she must always take care to not let the power of the Phoenix Force overcome her. Now, Phoenix blasts her way into players’ games of Marvel Champions: The Card Game! Phoenix is a psionic powerhouse that can draw on the unfathomable power of the Phoenix Force to face down any foe. With this Hero Pack, players will find Phoenix, her sixteen signature cards, and a full assortment of Justice cards inviting them to thwart the villain’s schemes.

Phoenix is a psionic powerhouse that can draw on the unfathomable power of the Phoenix Force to face down any foe. With this Hero Pack, players will find Phoenix, her sixteen signature cards, and a full assortment of Justice cards inviting them to thwart the villain's schemes. For players eager to challenge Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants, they can get started with the Phoenix Hero Pack! This expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.

Not a standalone expansion. A Marvel Champions: The Card Game core set is required to play.