漫威傳奇再起: 瘋狂泰坦之影 Marvel Champions: The Mad Titan's Shadow (21)

$ 475.00 $ 499.00
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No. of Player:1 - 4
Playing Time:45 - 90 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )  


這次的大擴充共包含五個劇情關卡 (five thrilling scenarios) 以及兩名英雄,反派包含烏木侯 (Ebony Maw)、暗夜比鄰星 (Proxima Midnight)、亡刃 (Corvus Glaive) 以及瘋狂泰坦 - 薩諾斯 (Thanos),英雄則包含長年在無限手套及薩諾斯相關劇情中佔有吃重地位的術士亞當 (Adam Warlock),以及 MCU 近年不斷在做鋪陳的超級英雄光譜 (Spectrum,也曾使用過驚奇隊長 (Captain Marvel)、光子 (Photon) 與脈衝星 (Pulsar) 等稱號)。

本次擴充將包含 268 張卡牌,術士亞當由於凡人能力 (需用四種不同風格來組建牌組) 關係,預組牌組將包含四種風格的新卡,光譜則會搭配領導風格登場。


The universe is full of both good and evil. Mighty heroes clash with dastardly villains in every galaxy, and yet one threat has risen above all the others. One being has established himself as a scourge on all life, whose power is unrivaled across all the cosmos.

Of course, we are talking about Thanos.

In this third campaign expansion for Marvel Champions: The Card Game, you and your fellow heroes must challenge the forces of Thanos. This massive expansion contains a brand-new campaign featuring five thrilling scenarios pitting you against members of the zealous Black Order, including Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, and, of course, the Mad Titan himself. As with previous expansions, you can play each of these scenarios individually or as part of a larger campaign, and with a slew of new modular encounter sets, there will be ample opportunity to mix things up for all of your Marvel Champions content. Of course, a new wave of expansions means more heroes as well, and The Mad Titan’s Shadow starts it off with the mighty champions Adam Warlock and Spectrum, both of whom come with fully pre-built and ready-to-play decks right out of the box.