末日決戰: 傳承 Aeon's End: Legacy

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No. of Player:1-4
Playing Time:45-90 mins 
Version:Chinese (繁體中文) 

《末日決戰: 傳承》是一款1-4人的合作牌庫構築遊戲,每局遊戲(章節)時長約60分鐘。玩家們將要奮力在不可名狀之物及其手下的威脅下保衛墓都,使用自己的特殊能力施展強大的法術,並在熟識的角色的幫助下完成這一壯舉!

《末日決戰: 傳承》是一個完整的戰役,你將在多個章節中塑造你的角色,與強大的天罰戰鬥来保護人類最後的堡壘:墓都。在每局遊戲完結後,你將會選擇新的角色升級和更強大的卡牌加入到供應區中。在戰役结束後,你將會有獨特的角色,新的天罰,新的卡牌和基礎天罰牌,全都可以立用作遊戲或加入到其他的《末日決戰》系列當中繼續使用。

“You are not breach mages yet,” Brama lectures as she paces down the line of students, her frail form belying her immense power. “Breach mages have protected us since the beginning — since the burning of the world and our pilgrimage into the dark. It was they who founded Gravehold, our last bastion, and if you wish to stand beside these living legends, you must listen and learn. The Nameless shall come again, as they always have, and you will need to be ready. You are the hope of our future.”

As a young apprentice, you grew up to stories of the breach mages. Brama, the teacher, wisest of the mages. Dezmodia, the prodigy, master of great magic. Mist, the stoic leader and tactical genius. Malastar, the magical craftsman. Rebellious, powerful, and reckless perfectly sum up Xaxos. These mages are your heroes and tomorrow, after your ordeal, you will join their ranks.

“Each of you must overcome your ordeal to learn discipline and focus, the tools you will need to defend Gravehold. We are nothing without Gravehold. To be a breach mage is to sacrifice your life for Gravehold. When you die, it will be in defense of our city. Once you understand this universal truth...only then will you be ready to become a breach mage.”

Aeon's End is not required to play Aeon's End: Legacy.