達尼的次人格 Dany

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No. of Player:3 - 8
Playing Time:30 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 

如果你是達尼,嗯… 這將是個困難的挑戰。必須竭盡所能阻止次人格得逞,並且不能洩漏自己的身分。
1. 行動人格秘密選擇一個詞語,用記憶牌勾勒出這個思想。
2. 其他人格透過溝通試圖找出正確答案,但達尼會從中作梗。
3. 公布答案。

Each player embodies a personality in DANY's head and one player will secretly be DANY’s true personality. Each turn, the Active Personality will be awarded one of five Ideas he/she will have to make the other personalities guess using Memory cards (illustrated cards). Once the cards composition is made, and after some discussion between the players, the one to the right of the Active Personality gives the answer of his/her choice and success or failure is given to all players. A new tour begins with a new Active Personality.
The game ends if there is:
- 6 successes: secondary personalities win,
- 3 failures or if the Memory draw pile is empty: the Final Twist takes place. Players must eliminate DANY in a vote. If DANY is eliminated, the secondary personalities win, otherwise DANY wins and finally gets to live with some peace of mind.
