隕落天劫 Expeditions

$ 719.00 $ 759.00
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No. of Player:1 - 5
Playing Time:60 - 90 mins 
Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)

《隕落天劫 Expeditions》源用鐮刀戰爭嘅主題,各位玩家要開發,收集資源,透過卡牌🃏運用為自己建立engine 並取得分數!遊戲過程中更可改裝自己嘅機械人🤖以加快收集資源完成得分任務!最緊要solo 又得,多人玩又得,對呢類卡牌加開發類型有興趣嘅朋友唔好錯過喇!




The sequel to Scythe sends players on a new adventure into Siberia, where a massive meteorite crashed near the Tunguska River, awakening ancient corruption. An expedition led by Dr. Tarkovsky ventures into the taiga to learn about the meteorite and its impact on the land. Itching for adventure, heroes from the war privately fund their own expeditions to Siberia, hoping to find artifacts, overcome challenges, and ultimately achieve glory.

Expeditions is a competitive, card-driven, engine-building game of exploration. Play cards to gain power, guile, and unique worker abilities; move your mech to mysterious locations and gain cards found among the tiles; use workers, items, meteorites, and quests to enhance your mech; and use power and guile to vanquish corruption.
